About This Blog

This blog is a compilation of comments I received in my post about Heaven is So Real which I wrote in my other blog at In His Time.

The author of the book is Choo Thomas, a Korean-American lady who is currently living in the States. The book is all about her experience being brought to heaven and hell by Jesus, about her preparation and training by Jesus himself for the ministry that God has planned for her. The book is a wake up call to all Christians to prepare them for the second coming of Christ. Not all who call themselves Christian will go to heaven. Read "The Parable of the Wedding Banquet" Matt 22. Only those that are pure-hearted and obedient can enter heaven. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God" Matt 5:8. In the book, Jesus mentioned that He would be coming sooner than we expected.

Many have doubts about the book; Heaven is So Real. Read about what others have to say about Heaven is So Real.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Maranatha - Come Lord Jesus

Allan Says:

I must say that a lot written here is Biblical and correct but there are a lot of questions.

When i was young i try to be a medium and i was asked to stand a certain way to wait for the spirit to come. when it does the common manifestation is shaking - same with those during Thaipusam - an Indian festivals - the nine emperor god festival - etc. i check the bible and the original word for shaking is - use as one tremble in fear before the Almighty God.

I just cannot comprehend how is it one can be in the presence of God and be so physical and ‘pally’ with the Almighty.

Jesus taught her to always praise the Father then pray in tongues…

Jesus already taught us the pattern of prayer - but in Matthew He never mention speaking in tounges… by the way i do speak in tounges. Paul teach that it is better to pray with audible words.

Talking about going to heaven and seeing hell - the bible says there will be a new heaven and a new earth - so what heaven is Choo seeing now? Are non-Christians already in Hell? They are not even judge yet - why are we judging them and condemn them to hell now? Yes one day they will all be standing before the Great White Throne.

I read the book with lots of questions - if God is the one behind the book - why is He doing something so different from those He inspired to write the Holy Bible? Choo claiming that she have to write exactly what she see and heard - what is she trying to tell us? - Don’t You Dare Question What Is Written? Is there going to be new revelations???

There are so much repetitions again and again - to me this is just to give length to the book and a lot of claims - like Jesus telling her - to put her picture on the cover, how the cover of the book should be is just ways to rationalise what the book.

Many of us have honestly seek the Lord and wanting to have a glimpse of Him - is God so bias and count us so unworthy children that He choose this sweetheart???

I read this book in two days but I take 2 years trying to read through my Bible - Surely Satan is not tempting me and making me sleep to read such sensationalise stories.

Let’s go back to basics - Live a Purpose Driven Life of Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Service and Mission - Read your Bible more.

Maranatha - Come Lord Jesus!!!

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